On Fri, Mar 15, 2002 at 02:47:08AM -0600, Mike Loiterman wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I've posted this three times already, but nobody has answered.  Is
> this a configuration problem or a bug?

Perhaps you haven't given us enough info -- that may be why nobody has

> Trying to set up aliases to spamassassin -W and spamassassin -R but
> they don't seem to work.  I get this error.

How are you setting up alises? What software are you using? How are your
users set up? etc. etc. We probably need to know this before we can help!

> Also - where would these white-list entries be added, 
> ~/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist.db ?

Ummm... in the homedir of the user running spamassassin -W

> I have not and do not want to configure system wide autowhitelists.

You seem to be attempting to.

Duncan Findlay

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