On Fri Mar 15 at 02:38:01 PM, Rob McMillin wrote:

> from the eggs-bacon-and-50-dollars-please dept.
> http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/03/15/1956200&mode=nested&tid=111

There are lots of lawsuits going on here in Washington against spammers, and
the spammers are losing. 

As far as I can tell from the press release, it's not a class action suit,
though. I don't know where the slashdot poster got that information.


Sean Harding [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | "You tried to make me doubt, to make me
http://www.dogcow.org/sean/       |  guess, tried to make me feel like a 
                                  |  little less." --Dar Williams

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