On Friday 15 March 2002 06:31 pm, Andrew Kohlsmith wrote:

> > I recently received some personal mail with the following
> > HotMail-generated ad. at the end (linebreaks are mine):

> >     <DIV></DIV></div><br clear=all><hr>MSN Photos is the easiest way to
> >     share and print your photos: <a
> >     href='http://go.msn.com/bql/hmtag3_etl_EN.asp'>Click
> > Here</a><br></html>

> I actually have -ve-scoring tests for all the common Hotmail/MSN footers
> for our dialup ISP; it really seems to help keep people's hotmail friends
> from being spamfiled.

I've seen some spam that's not from Yahoo! that includes Yahoo! footers, 
probably in an attempt to trick filters.  These all came from 
"freejokesforyou.com", with the "free e-cards" footer.

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