I wish to congratulate the Spamassassin developers upon the creation
of a truly excellent package. I installed Spamassassin, along with
Vipul's Razor, from the corresponding Debian packages, added recipes
to my .procmailrc file as described in the documentation, and it all
worked perfectly without any problems whatsoever.

Having used Spamassassin for just over a week, I would observe that it
has caught most of the incoming spam, without targeting any of my
legitimate mail. I particularly appreciate the scoring system, which
relies on multiple factors to determine the classification of each
message, adding full details of its analysis to the headers and body
text. It has also been easy to integrate into my existing mail
filtering arrangements, which consist of Procmail rules that filter
messages from different sources (e.g. mailing lists) into appropriate files.

Now to my questions: whenever Spamassassin fails to detect a spam
message (which occasionally happens), I pipe the offending message to
spamassassin -r
Is this the correct response? The effect is (or should be) to add the
message (or rather a hash value based on it) to Vipul's Razor.

Is anyone maintaining a data base of spam messages which Spamassassin
has failed to detect? This would be a good resource for the developers
when updating the rule sets. I would certainly be willing to forward
undetected spam to an appropriate collection address if this would
assist the development effort.



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