You're right, sorry.  I was referring to whitelist_to which is only a -6.0


Kenneth Chen
Unit Supervisor, Clark Kerr and UVA
Residential Computing
University of California, Berkeley

On Mon, 18 Mar 2002, Craig R Hughes wrote:

> Kenneth Chen wrote:
> > I believe the whitelist entry simply gives it a negative score in addition
> > to whatever positive scores it would have obtained via the rules.  That is
> > to say, if your spam message would have been 20.3 points without your
> > whitelist entry, it'd only be something like 15.3 with (because the
> > whitelist might be a -5 score).
> Well, it's a -100 bonus, so you should really never get anything whitelisted not
> coming through clean (unless it's also listed in the blacklist).
> More likely, what's happening is one of a few things:
> 1. you didn't restart spamd after changing the sitewide config file
> 2. spamd isn't seeing the config file for some reason -- run "spamd -D" to see
> where it's looking for config files
> 3. Somehow the whitelist pattern is bad.  This is probably least likely -- what
> you posted looked good to me.
> C
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