On Sun, 14 Apr 2002, Duncan Findlay wrote:

> > Configuration files for standard system software should always be under
> > /etc/.  The question is whether it should be possible to install SA as
> > something other than "standard system software."
> Define 'standard system software.'

This is beginning to drift a bit far afield, but:

I'd define "system" for this purpose as a an operating system plus a
colletion of administrator and user programs packaged specifically for use
with that operating system and by every user of that system who has the
appropriate access rights to use it.

"Standard system software," then, is any software installed for use by 
every user of that system who has the appropriate access rights to use it.

It should be easy to install SA in such a configuration.  It should also
be relatively easy to install SA in other configurations ... such as, for
use by exactly one user who has no special access rights.

> Can't someone use
> make PREFIX=$HOME LOCAL_RULES_DEF=$HOME/wherever/I/want ?
> I haven't checked... but I don't see why that wouldn't work.

Yes, they can, you're right.  Unfortunately that *won't* work with a CPAN
install, because (somebody *please* prove me wrong) the only way to set
the arguments passed on the "make" command line by CPAN is to reset the
CPAN configuration to pass those arguments to "make" for *all* packages
that it builds.  PREFIX is a standard Makefile.PL variable and it makes
sense to reset it for all packages if you are installing into a non-
standard location; LOCAL_RULES_DEF is SA-specific.

(It might work to export LOCAL_RULES_DEF into the environment before
starting up the CPAN shell, but for a well-behaved CPAN module that sort
of thing should not be necessary.)

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