
Please forgive me and point me there if this has been addressed already...

I'm using SA 2.11, and would love to update the rulebase on a regular
basis, but I don't want to reinstall and config SA again and again.

Wouldn't it be possible to run an automated script to go get the "latest"
rules from sourceforge and copy them to my /etc/mail/spamassassin
directory nightly or some such?  Is there a reason I have to update
everything, not just the rules?

I use Nessus quite a bit in my job, and I love the simple command line way
it can be updated from the web.  I was hoping SA had the same
functionality, and maybe it does, but I haven't figured out how yet.

Since the spammers are constantly changing their tactics, it seems that
using the latest and greatest rules all the time would be the best way to
keep them at bay.

Any help appreciated!



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