> Damn. Ok. Thanks for the help. I thought mail clients return all
> incoming headers. Oh well.
> I'll just tweak the rule scores then to downplay the ones getting matched.

One thing I do is to include a unique code in my signature on outgoing mail.
When most people reply to my mail they include the body of my message and
the signature, so whitelisting on that helps a bit.

Usually if you're triggering specific rules, you can reword things so that
they're missed. I've had to do this with a mailing list I run that was
getting Assassinated on a few people's email.

The only challenge is finding a way to say things like "you're receiving
this message because you subscribed to our mailing list" and "follow the
link below to unsubscribe" without triggering SA. Just another way spammers
make it difficult for those of us sending legitimate mail, I suppose.

michael moncur   mgm at starlingtech.com   http://www.starlingtech.com/
"When ideas fail, words come in very handy."            -- Goethe

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