On Wed, 10 Jul 2002 the voices made [EMAIL PROTECTED] write:

> Matt suggests (and IMO it's a good plan) that we modify the AWL to use
> "mailaddr:sendingip" as the key instead of just "mailaddr".  This would
> avoid this problem, and the similar one where spammers are now forging
> spams with a From addr at the same domain.  However, here's the costs:
> 1. existing AWL entries would be lost (probably something for a major
> revision number release then).  We could avoid this by auto-promoting
> each old-style AWL entry, appending :sendingip when a new message is
> encountered from that mailaddr.
> 2. senders who send from multiple ISPs/networks will have separate AWL
> listings.  not a big problem as it'll adjust after a (short) time.
> We should also use just the first 3 octets of the IP addr instead
> of all 4, as otherwise DHCP/assigned-PPP addresses will thoroughly
> render the AWL useless.

 I don't think that 1 and 2 are true; 1 is just a matter of codingstyle, and 2
is related to the sensitivity of it. Simply let people chose if they want 4, 3,
2, 1 or 0 octets to count...

 I suggest that there should be a default setting of _2_ octects, which you can
change, and that you are able to add e-mailaddresses yourself using one of two
 2. [EMAIL PROTECTED]:[1-4 octets]

 Based on the numer of octets in 2 that is the sensitivity for that address; to
be able to change current whitelists to this model I suggest that
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:0 is used in cases where the IPaddress should be ignored.

 NOTE: To be able to change the default setting without having to delete the
whitelist there must be a flag that will show if a listing is at a default or
"hardcoded" sensitivity.

# Per scientiam ad libertatem! // Through knowledge towards freedom! #
# Genom kunskap mot frihet! =*= (c) 1999-2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] =*= #

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