Adrian Hill wrote:
>>Once identified, the mail can then be optionally tagged as spam for
>>later filtering using the user's own mail user-agent application.
> Yeah, I suppose it does seem clear, on reflection, although I missed this
> first time round, and it was previously pointed out that the most common
> misconception with spamassassin was that it did sorting/filtering, rather
> than solely the identification of spam.
> It's only in the third paragraph that the document mentions the phrase:
> "using the user's own mail user-agent application", which is the first and
> only mention that SA is *not* the program used to filter spam. Also,
> "user-agent application" makes me think Outlook more than it does amavis or
> mailscanner. Perhaps the wording is not precise enough?

It could do to change to also specify "Mail delivery agent" as well as 
user-agent. But other than that it's not far wrong.


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