On Mon, Sep 16, 2002 at 08:53:02PM -0600, Darryl Bleau wrote:
> I'm trying to get SA to run on Novell (Perl 5.6). Has anyone else tried this? My 
>major issue seems to be HTML::Parser which uses Parser.xs. I've tried to compile it 
>as an NLM with some success, however it complains a lot about missing symbols.
> Any suggestions/tips/whatever appreciated! Thanks.

Build a sendmail box to filter for your Novell server.  Mercury Mail has
to be the worst MTA I've ever seen - we've had a huge increase in
reliability and functionality by neutering Mercury as much as possible.
At this point the only thing it handles is actual delivery to PMAIL

You probably want a Un*x box running some real MTA to filter and then
route email to the Novell server.

Ross Vandegrift

A Pope has a Water Cannon.                               It is a Water Cannon.
He fires Holy-Water from it.                        It is a Holy-Water Cannon.
He Blesses it.                                 It is a Holy Holy-Water Cannon.
He Blesses the Hell out of it.          It is a Wholly Holy Holy-Water Cannon.
He has it pierced.                It is a Holey Wholly Holy Holy-Water Cannon.
Batman and Robin arrive.                                       He shoots them.

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