"Gary Funck" said:

> Hello, after installing Razor2, I had to bang through a few more
> installation difficulties. At this point, I've installed the following
> additional modules:
> Archive-Tar-0.22             Digest-Nilsimsa-0.06    Net-Telnet-3.03
> Attribute-Handlers-0.77      Digest-SHA1-2.01        Params-Validate-0.24
> Bundle-libnet-1.00           Error-0.15
> Term-ReadLine-Perl-1.0203
> CPAN-1.63                    Exception-Class-1.05    TermReadKey-2.21
> CPAN-WAIT-0.27               HTML-Mason-1.13         Test-Harness-2.26
> Cache-Cache-1.01             HTML-Parser-3.26        Test-Simple-0.47
> Class-Container-0.08         MD5-2.02                Time-HiRes-1.36
> Class-Data-Inheritable-0.02  MIME-Base64-2.12        libnet-1.12
> Compress-Zlib-1.16           Mail-Audit-2.1          razor-agents-2.14
> Devel-StackTrace-1.00        Mail-SpamAssassin-2.41
> Digest-HMAC-1.01             Net-DNS-0.28


> razor2 check skipped: No such file or directory Can't locate
> Net/DNS/Resolver.pmdebug: running full-text regexp tests; score so far=1.8

Does Razor itself -- razor-register et al -- work?  I would imagine
not, given that error msg.


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