Hi, all.

Just thought I would interject something about my work as published as
part of the SA sources, being a fellow Postfix user (or should that be
"junkie"? *pats a vein in his forearm* :) ).

I would imagine that a lot of the "pipe" methods that are used with
various other MTAs, such as Exim, should work with Postfix (with some, if
any, modification), but I have not really tried.

Instead, given my needs and what was written in the Postfix documentation
about how to use its various content filtering hooks, I wrote the script
that is now being bundled with SA which implements an SMTP proxy.  I
implemented SA this way because most of the staff members of the IRC
network for which I serve as postmaster do not have accounts on-box,
rendering final delivery-based filtering impractical.

Since I was not entirley sure I trusted pipes in-line within the SMTP
process, I decided to use SMTP injection/reinjection as the transport
method since the result is the same regardless of operating system.

I figured once I had things working and perhaps a little polished, I would
share what I had come up with with the rest of the community.

However, bear in mind that this is PROOF-OF-CONCEPT code, which I happen
to use in a production environment.  Just because I use it as such does
not necessarily mean I think it is ready for widespread use.  It simply
serves as a basis from which to start to build an SMTP-type proxy.

However, lately, due to a recent job change and move, I simply have not
had the time to sit down and do some really serious work to get it to do
AWL, per-user white- and black-lists and so on, features I really like
about SA.

Though for someone who REALLY wants to use Postfix (and being a Postfix
fan, I have a hard time questioning that decision ;) ), the URL
http://www.geocities.com/scottlhenderson/spamfilter.html recently posted
does looks like a good place to start (though you will likely have to
tailor this to suit your needs; this documentation covers Red Hat, while I
use Debian at home and on my colo at work, while my workplace uses FreeBSD
and Sendmail).

If anyone has any better reinjection-based filtering which allows for
per-user reconfiguration which does not rely on the /etc/passswd file, do
feel free to sing out. :)

Hope this helps put some persepective on what I have done and contributed.

Thanks for your attention and understanding.


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