On Wed, Sep 18, 2002 at 12:44:14PM +0100, Ray Gardener wrote:
> I upgraded to 2.40 (now 2.41) last week and the messages which are definitely in the 
>DCC database aren't being marked as such by spamassassin when connected to via spamc. 
>Interestingly it is detected when running spamassassin -t < sample-spam.txt (using 
>the same userid incidentally). Is this a known "feature" of spamc under 2.4x or is 
>there anything obvious that I am not implementing correctly? Note that as I implied 
>above this used to work under 2.3x of spamassassin and spamd/spamc

My initial guess is the same problem as the razor "log unblessed
reference" issue.  Try adding "-H" to spamd and see what happens.

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