On Wed, Oct 09, 2002 at 02:27:18PM +0200, Jost Krieger wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 09, 2002 at 03:01:43AM -0700, Quinn Vallance wrote:
> >
> > I maintain two relatively high volume mail servers both of which
> > have been using Spamassassin for some time mow. Everything has
> > always worked fine and I have always upgraded to the newest stable
> > versions when released. I upgraded to 2.42 on both of my servers
> > (one is running postfix with postbox the other sendmail with
> > procmail) and on both server the spamd daemon died after several
> > hours for no apparent reason leaving nothing in the logs as to
> > indicate why. Has anybody else been having similar problems? I
> > have updated numerous times with no problems so I am confused as
> > to what may have caused this with such a small version increment
> > (2.41->2.42). I have switched back to 2.41 for the time being but
> > would love any suggestions or to hear from people having similar
> > issues.
> Same problem here. I switched yesterday and got 4 restarts between
> 12:13 and midnight, while processing 38494 connections.
> I can live with that, as spamd runs under supervise, but I'm now
> going to switch from syslog to daemontools logging and hope to find
> something in stderr.
> BTW: Solaris 8 and perl 5.6.1.

Same problem here now that I've added the -m to the command line.  It 
ran for a couple of weeks before adding the -m, but with a lower load.

When I started feeding all messages for my 2000 users through it, it
did fine until a big spam run, then it pushed the machine through 2 GB
of swap and took 8 hours for the machine to come back to life after
I stopped pushing more spamc requests at it.  Now that I have -m 100
I can't count on spamd being in the process table for more than 20
minutes.  Sometimes it runs for a few hours.

FreeBSD 4.6.2
Perl version 5.005_03

I ran spamd with -D but when it died, it didn't tell me why.  It just
went away.

I don't seem to be getting the DJB magic incantations right for running
spamd under daemontools.  Would someone care to tell me how it should be

My users love SpamAssassin.  They kill me when it's down for 10 minutes.


Scott Lambert                    KC5MLE                       Unix SysAdmin

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