> So, what that is saying is that if the subject does not contain 332762
> then send it to /etc/smrsh/bounceSPAM $4 $2 


> (I have no idea what the 4th and 2nd argument would be). 

The 4th and 2nd argument happen to be username and email address
respectively(from the arguments passed to procmail from postfix).  
They are not required, but it works better if they are used.

> The xloop part sorta throws me as well.  

The xloop is used to prevent infinite mail loops. the xloop is inserted
to prevent two mail servers from playing hockey with a message.
If the xloop exists, the message is a bounce of a bounce, so don't
bounce it a third time.

> Now if I wanted to see if my
> passcode was used and spamc marked it as ****SPAM**** how would I remove
> that spam part in the header and allow the message to be delivered
> (basically untouched)?

The script by default still marks the message as spam, the passcode
just allows it to be delivered instead of bounced.  If you don't want the
message marked as spam at all, move the  * !^Subject:.*332762.*
to the recipe that calls spamc instead.

> Thanks for your help, btw.

Not a problem, you might direct any more questions about the script 
directly to me instead of to the listserve.


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