At 11:11 PM 12/16/2002 -0700, Bob Proulx wrote:
Matt Kettler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-12-16 16:24:21 -0500]:

Therefore I assume this is only available in versions newer than 2.31
somewhere.  Is that correct?
Yes, the current release version of SA is 2.43, and I think that feature was added with 2.40. 2.43 can be gotten from The current devel/cvs is on 2.50. The developers seem to be wanting to get a release of 2.50 out by years end, but with several key developers taking vacations for the holidays that is unlikely. I would however expect a release 2.50 to come out sometime before the 3rd week of January (strictly a loosely educated guess by someone who is not any real part of the devel team, but reads the saDev mailing list)

> Basically whitelist_from_rcvd forces a check of both the from: address and
> the received headers. This makes it so the whitelist cannot be spoofed
> merely by substituting a from: line.

It is a boolean AND?  As in both From: AND in Received:?  I assume it
only uses the domain portion for the Received: header check?  Just
trying to understand how the check for the Received: header is worked
in.  I assume it handles the popular exim, postfix, sendmail formats.

Yes, that's a boolean AND.. whitelist_from_rcvd takes 2 parameters, the first of which must match the from: line, the second must match some part of a received header, and it must match BOTH to be a whitelist.

so the command for whitelisting me looks like this currently (yes, I know I need to get my reverse DNS mapped.. :)
whitelist_from_rcvd [EMAIL PROTECTED]

And less restrictive versions work too:
whitelist_from_rcvd *

The whitelist_from_rcvd feature was added specifically to address the problem of from address forging. Old versions of SA had some default whitelist entries that spammers started abusing by forging from addresses. Hence modern versions have a default whitelist that uses whitelist_from_rcvd commands instead, making spoofing much harder (it is still possible, but it's more work than just changing a from: line:)

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