
On Wed, 8 Jan 2003 19:51:25 -0800 (PST)
Jonathan Nichols <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >
> > I am a newbie here to all this, so please forgive my ignorance.
> > I have tried installing via the RPMs and good old make, and I get this error
> > both ways.  I am running Redhat 7.1 with perl v5.6.0, and spamassassin 2.43.
> > If someone can shed any light on this I would be most thankful, I am at my
> > wits end here.  I have pasted in the error message I get at the end of the
> > e-mail.
> >
> > -Brook
> >
> > Errno architecture (i386-linux-2.2.14) does not match executable
> > architecture (i386-linux-2.2.17-8smp) at
> > /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.0/i386-linux/Errno.pm line 11.
> Sounds like you're missing gobs of Perl modules :-)

Not really. More likely there's a mismatch between the kernel Errno.om
was compiled under and the kernel that perl was compiled under.

Errno.pm is there; it's just that perl and Errno can't agree on which
kernel version they're running under. 

Did you upgrade your system's kernel after installing perl? What does

    uname -A

tell you?

I'm not fond of packaged versions of perl because of problems like this.
I've had minor trouble compiling it on Solaris otherwise building perl
from source isn't too hard. OTOH, building GD.pm is an utter disaster,
especially under Solaris. BerkeleyDB is no prize either.

Anyway, there are a few things you can do without building a new perl
from scratch. Try updating the .ph files (glue between C header files
and perl) with:

    cd /usr/include; h2ph * sys/*
    cd /usr/include; h2ph -r -l .

See 'man h2ph' for details. If you've updated your C header files
recently (e.g. from a kernel, compiler, or library upgrade) you may need
to regenerate the .ph files, else perl may get confused.

> you know what might work?
> rpm -e the_rpm_you_installed.rpm
> sudo perl -MCPAN -e shell
> install Mail::SpamAssassin
> I'd be lazy and tell it to follow the prerequesites... but beware, you
> might end up with it updating to Perl 5.8.0, which isn't a bad thing in
> itself, but it could break other perl-ish stuff you've installed.

This shouldn't be a problem for Perl versions 5.6.0 and above. IIRC,
CPAN v1.48 and below had an annoying tendency to attempt to upgrade core
perl when you tried to install or upgrade a module that had been
subsequently incorporated in the language's core. The way around this
was to manually upgrade CPAN before using it to manage your perl
installation (another reason I don't like perl RPMs; perl already has a
great package management system - why put another layer of bureaucracy
between you and fresh code? Ok, compiling GD and BerkeleyDB. But

What's worse is trying to upgrade Sun's standard b0rked perl
distributions in which they compile perl with a different compiler than
they ship with the OS, meaning perl modules with C-based components
won't build. To fix that and the aforementioned CPAN problem, see:


The docs are a bit aged and focus on Solaris 2.6 or (2.)7 but they get
the point across. A kinder, gentler, more modern version is archived at:


Ask if you have any questions...

-- Bob

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