Sorry, I know absolutely nothing about cyrus.


> could you describe an alternative scenario using cyrus
> On Fri, 30 May 2003, Greg Webster wrote:
>> Hello, SpamAssassin mailing list :)
>> Some new documentation I've created. I'll be placing this online, but
>> figured I'd post it here as well. Maybe of some use to people :)
>> Please note: File locations are based on my own install. Yours may be
>> different, and should be checked and appropriate changes made.
>> 1. Install postfix and get it working for your domain. See
>> for details.
>> 2. Install SpamAssassin. The easiest way to do this is with the
>> command "perl -MCPAN -e 'install Mail::SpamAssassin'"
>> 3. As root, create a file at /usr/bin/postfixfilter with the following
>> content:   #!/bin/bash
>>    /usr/bin/spamc | /usr/sbin/sendmail -i "$@"
>>    exit $?
>> 4. Run "chmod 755 /usr/bin/postfixfilter"
>> 5. Create a user called 'spamfilter'. Make it a complete user, with
>> home directory and shell.
>> 6. Run "chown spamfilter /usr/bin/postfixfilter"
>> 7. In /etc/postfix/ in the "Services" section, alter the
>> 'smtp' line as follows (the "  -o con..." SHOULD be on the next line:
>> #
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> -- smtp      inet  n       -       n       -       -       smtpd
>>   -o content_filter=spamfilter:
>> #
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> --
>> 8. In /etc/postfix/ in the "Interfaces to non-Postfix
>> software" section add:
>> #
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> -- spamfilter        unix  -       n       n       -       -
>> pipe
>>   flags=Rq user=spamfilter argv=/usr/bin/postfixfilter -f ${sender} --
>> ${recipient}#
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> --
>> 9. Restart postfix and make sure you can still get email. Send a fake
>> spam through the system (from an outside address) to verify that spam
>> is marked as spam. For information on configuring SpamAssassin, go to
>> 10. Install 'procmail' if it is not already installed. To discover
>> this try 'which procmail'.
>> 11. For each user who needs a 'spam' mailbox, follow steps 12 - 13.
>> You can safely stop right here if you do not want any users to have
>> their spam filtered into another mailbox.
>> 12. Create a file in their home directory, owned by them, called
>> '.procmailrc'. Enter the following into it, making sure that the
>> locations listed are what you wish to use for mailbox location (here
>> we are using /home/$username/mail/ as the location for mail folders:#
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> -- MAILDIR=$HOME/mail
>> DEFAULT=$HOME/mail/Inbox
>> LOGFILE=$HOME/mail/proc.log
>> # Catch SPAM
>> :0
>> * ^X-Spam-Flag: YES
>> * ^X-Spam-Level: \*\*\*\*\*\*
>> spam
>> #
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> --
>> Explanation of the above -
>>     MAILDIR is the location of mailbox folders
>>     DEFAULT is the default mailbox.
>>     "* ^X-Spam-Flag: YES" makes sure the email is marked as spam
>>     before
>> doing anything with it.
>>     "* ^X-Spam-Level: \*\*\*\*\*\*" make sure the spam received a
>>     'spam
>> score' of at least 6 before doing anything with it. This ensures that
>> 'borderline' cases that are more likely to be 'false positives'
>> (meaning they have been falsely marked as spam) do not go into the
>> spam mailbox.
>>     'spam' is the name of the mailbox they are going into.
>> 13. Create a file in  their home directory, owned by them, called
>> '.forward'. Enter the following into it, changing 'username' to their
>> username. Include the quotes and the pound ("#") symbol!
>> "|IFS=' ' && exec /usr/bin/procmail || exit 75 #username"
>> 14. As with any change made to user's mailboxes, test!
>> 15. Keep SpamAssassin update with the same procedure you used to
>> install it in #2.
>> Greg
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>> Spamassassin-talk mailing list
> --
> Robin Mordasiewicz
> 416-207-7012
> UNIX System Developer
> Primus Canada

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