On Sun, 1 Jun 2003, Simon Byrnand wrote:

> > Jack Gostl wrote:
> >
> >>On Sat, 31 May 2003, Steve Wilson wrote:
> >>
> >>>My /home/$user/.procmail/rules.rc file is:
> >>>:0fw
> >>>| /usr/bin/spamc
> >>>:0:
> >>>* ^X-Spam-Status: Yes
> >>>SPAM
> >>>-----------
> >>>That now works only if I change line2 to /usr/bin/spamassassin.
> >>>
> >>>This isn't a terribly big system here, so I suppose I could get away
> >>>with that, but I'd much prefer to use spamd/spamc.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>The two obvious questions are (1) is spamd running and (2) are you sure
> >>that spamc is in /usr/bin and has proper permissions.
> >>
> > Well, my apologies.  It appears to be working (spamd/spamc).  It's just
> > scoring REAL low.  If I forward
> > a SPAM I got on my regular mail server that has a SA score of 16.9 to
> > the new MS (same version RH and SA),
> > it gets a score of 6.6.  Strange....
> No,
> Not strange at all. Perfectly normal. You can't "forward" a message to a
> machine running spamassassin and expect it to score it properly, because
> none of the message headers will now be the originals, you've created a
> NEW message with YOUR message headers in it, and only forwarded the body
> of the message.
> On average, more of the scoring comes from the headers than the body, so
> most messages, even ones that are quite spammy, wont even score high
> enough to trip the threshold.
> Moral of the story - forget about forwarding spam for testing purposes....

I misunderstood. I thought you were saving the message, including headers. 


Jack Gostl      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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