The SA src rpm rebuild for Redhat 8.0 did not work correctly for some reason.


Note: I currently have Spamassassin 2.53 running on the system.


I did the following.


*downloaded 2.55 source rpm from link on SA website to VanDinter

*copied to a new directory on the hard disk (any directory ok I guess?)

*at term prompt in the directory where src rpm located typed  "rpmbuild --rebuild spamassassin-2.55-1.7.3.src.rpm

*rebuild appeared to work...lots of files flash by

*rebuild completes

*go to rebuild directory /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386

*perl, spammassassin and tools RPMS are there, all say 2.55-1.i386.rmp

*trying to install any of them shows they will not install because dependent files are not there

*for instance, try to install perl-spamassassin-2.55 says...

Packages Not Found, the following packages could not be found on your system. Installation cannot continue until they are installed.

Unlocated Package                               Required By

perl-Mail-Spamassassin = 2.53-1           spamassassin

perl-Mail-Spamassassin = 2.53-1           spamassassin-tools

*notice the above error refers to version 2.53? weirdness...

*if I try to install spamassasin-2.55-1.i386.rpm I get following error

Unlocated Package                               Required By

perl-Mail-Spamassassin = 2.55-1           spamassassin

*if I try to install spamassasin-tools-2.55-1.i386.rpm I get following error

Unlocated Package                               Required By

perl-Mail-Spamassassin = 2.55-1           spamassassin


Any help would be appreciated


Thank you!


Theo Van Dinter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Wed, Jun 11, 2003 at 10:56:35AM -0700, Florin Andrei wrote:
> > For SA 2.53 there were Van Dinter RPMs for RedHat 7.3 and RedHat 8.0
> > both.

Yeah, I didn't quite get around to it. Sorry.

> The trick is to download the src.rpm, not the binary packages, and
> rebuild it.


> On 7.2 (the platform where i rebuild it a lot more often) the spec file
> requires some tweaks before rebuilding the package. So you must do a
> "rpm -ivh" on the src.rpm and then edit the spec. If you can't figure
> out what to change, i could provide that info.

As I recall, 7.1 has problems due to some stupidity in 7.1, but 6.2,
7.2, 7.3, and 8.0 all built without issue (at least if the boxes have
been updated appropriately).

I haven't gotten around to installing 7.1 on a test box yet, so ...

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