Summary: Known bug in your version, fixed in 2.54 and newer.

No, the Asian fonts have nothing to do with it. The reason for your false negative is that you're using 2.53, which is very well known to be easily abused by spammers.

The REFERENCES and IN_REP_TO rules both have very large negative scores in 2.50-2.53 which spammers started abusing to get an effective whitelist treatment. This problem, and a bunch of other easily abused rules, was the primary reason for 2.54's release with a new scoreset.

Upgrade to a newer version to not be subject to fix the problem.

At 09:59 AM 7/11/2003 -0700, Support wrote:

 I have a user who gets SPAM with scores of around -6.0 points.  One thing
I've noticed is that they have asian characters(and some english). Could
this be inducing a false negative?

Also one side question. how exactly is a negative score accumulated?  Are
there negative points added to the overall score?


X-Spam-Status: No, hits=-6.3 required=3.0
X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 2.53 (

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