On Monday, Jul 14th 2003 at 22:12 -0500, quoth Fuzzy Fox:

=>Abigail Marshall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
=>> Try putting the recipe that is in your personal .procmailrc at the end
=>> of the main /etc/procmailrc - then the mail will be sent to the
=>> $SUSPECT file BEFORE going to your individual POP boxes.
=>This would work, but it implies that the $SUSPECT file needs to be
=>writable by any user that receives mail on the system.  Because
=>DROPPRIVS=yes was specified, procmail won't have root privileges to
=>write to the mailbox anymore.

One more time. Message comes in and filters through /etc/procmail and gets 
tagged (or not) as spam. Then it goes to my wife's account where the local 
.procmailrc detects the header that SA put in tagging it as spam. Her 
.procmailrc forwards the message to me. This causes the message to go 
through /etc/procmailrc again (which I don't want). Then it comes to me 
and i put it into my spam folder.

I want a recipe for /etc/procmailrc which conditionally runs a message 
through spamc *only* if it hasn't already been processed by SA. I want to 
use the X-Spam-Status and/or the X-Spam-Flag headers.

It would be better if I could do this without opening up permissions on 
the mailbox that it gets delivered to.

Does this help?

=>> SWO> I have an account on my server for myself and for my wife. There
=>> SWO> is the typical /etc/procmailrc to get us started:
=>> SWO> :0fw
=>> SWO> * < 256000
=>> SWO>       | spamc
=>> SWO> I have a recipe in my personal .procmailrc that looks for X-Spam-Flag:
=>> SWO> :0:
=>> SWO>         * ^X-Spam-Flag:
=>> SWO> The problem is that my wife's mail is POPd off her account over
=>> SWO> to her machine. I want her spam to end up in my spam folder. So
=>> SWO> what I need is a recipe to forward (or even better yet, bounce)
=>> SWO> her spam to my account. If it gets to my account, then my
=>> SWO> .procmailrc will end up putting it into my spam folder (which is
=>> SWO> what I want).
=>> SWO> Any takers?

-Time flies like the wind. Fruit flies like a banana. Stranger things have -
-happened but none stranger than this. Does your driver's license say Organ
-Donor?Black holes are where God divided by zero. Listen to me! We are all-
-individuals! What if this weren't a hypothetical question?
steveo at syslang.net

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