>> Check out MailScanner.  It works seamlessly with SpamAssassin and
>> supports
>> over a dozen virus scan engines.
> Check out mimedefang, easy to install via rpm, and supports multiple virus
> scanners.
> I would suggest clamscan as a good free scanner.
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Everyone,
> Thank you for your suggestions!!!!
> I am still in the process of understanding spamassassin, and am looking
> forward to being able to scan for virus packets too.  I apologize for
> asking
> such simple questions but the starting place is always important.
> Please tell me what a 'milter' is?
> Looks to me that for the kind of scanning I need to do I will need to be
> able to have sendmail, spamassassin, a milter of some sorts, and a viral
> scanner of some sorts all communicate together.  Is this correct.
> Thanks for your instruction and help!
> Greg Ennis

I believe milter = mail filter.  If I remember correctly it's a filtering
feature of sendmail.

My suggestion is for you to make sure that you have sendmail (or whatever
MTA you want to use) working properly.  Once you're happy with your MTA
then move on to SpamAssassin and get it going.  SA works pretty well with
its default settings.  Once you've used it awhile you might want to tweak
its config if you really feel it's necessary.

You can enhance the performance of SA by also installing Vipul's razor,
DCC, and pyzor.  They are easy to install and will be automagically used
by SA if present to fine tune spam scoring.

I personally use MailScanner to integrate SA and three separate virus
scanning engines.  Others have good success with MimeDefang.  Actually
MimeDefang was the first such application I tried to use but for some
reason it just wouldn't install on my system.  The author of MimeDefang
tried to help me but neither one of us could pinpoint the problem.  This
was a problem with my box not anything to do with MimeDefang.  You'll need
to talk with others about MimeDefang.

MailScanner installs using either a source file or rpm.  There are no
modifications needed for sendmail.  Before you start MailScanner you stop
all sendmail processes.  MailScanner will call sendmail directly.  You
just need to tell MailScanner in its config file to use SpamAssassin and
whatever virus scanning engines you've installed.

F-Prot and TrendMicro permit their scanners to be used free of charge for
personal/home use.  ClamAV is an open source product.  From my experience
all three are excellent.  The reason people run more than one virus
scanner is to protect against delays in adding new virus data files. 
Sometimes there is a short delay in getting a new update posted for one
scanner.  Running more than one gives a better chance that at least one of
them will be finding the virus of the day.

By the way, MailScanner defaults to automatically checking for scanner
data file updates every hour.

These programs integrate extremely well with each other and are very
effective.  It was noticed that the Sobig.F virus is now faking an
"MailScanner: found to be clean" message in the header so it appears the
virus writers are taking notice of the application!


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