"Jennifer Wheeler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> what am i doing wrong here?  I am trying to unblacklist an address
> getting tagged by Infinite-Monkeys.

Monkeys is a DNS blacklist.  It is also not used by SpamAssassin by
default, so you seem to be confused in one way or another.

1. "unblacklist_from" is used to de-blacklist a SpamAssassin blacklist
   (which is defined using the "blacklist_from" option).  No blacklists
   ship with SpamAssassin by default, so the "unblacklist_from" option
   is usually used by users to remove blacklists added by their company,
   internet service provider, site, etc.

2. If you don't want to use Monkeys, you have a few options:
   - don't use it at your site (if you control the site which it
     seems you do)
   - lower the score (both users and the site administrator should be
     able to do this)

3. If you want to avoid marking a domain's messages as spam, regardless
   of why they are marked as spam, use "whitelist_from".

4. If you want to avoid having a site listed by Monkeys, it's something
   you'll have to take up the site such that the site no longer meets
   the Monkeys listing criteria (whatever they are these days).


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