Yes, Ken is right, my problem is that others don't get my mail.

Maybe it would be an idea to add domains that have problems like this to a
common whitelist, if one exists in the SA distribution? I don't know if
such a list is provided or exists.

Anyways, I just wanted to let the SA team know. And Klaus is probably
right that there's many more domains that get caught in some other rules
for similar occurences.

Klaus Mueller said:
> Ken Gordon wrote:
>> I'm not sure this helps him. His problem is that other people can't
>> get his mail. Are you proposing that he provide all his
>> correspondents with a rule that would make it possible for his email
>> to circumvent SA? How will he let them know?  Send them an email
>> enclosing the rule?
> Ups, my fault. :( Should read and think before answer.
> But may occur with other domain names and similar rules also. I do not
> know if the following rule exists, but for example
> "CarsExtreme.<whatever>" may match a "sex" domain name rule. Or the site
> may be denied by a proxy if used with web. There are a lot examples.
> It's a common problem.
> Best way ist to change the default score of these rules with next
> release of SA. I does not remember any mail from an "offer" domain name.
> Static domain name checks should score low because of these problems.
> Bye
> Klaus
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