Hallo Ed,

am Freitag, 3. Oktober 2003, 15:35:27, schriebst Du:

> Our highest score since Sunday: 
> spamd[21411]: identified spam (55.0/7.0)

> Total number of emails processed by the spam filter : 1242
> Number of spams                         :       242 ( 19.48%)
> Number of clean messages                :      1000 ( 80.52%)
> Average message analysis time           :      5.08 seconds
> Average spam analysis time              :      5.91 seconds
> Average clean message analysis time     :      4.90 seconds
> Average message score                   :    -55.29
> Average spam score                      :     26.62
> Average clean message score             :    -73.50
> Total spam volume                       :      1134 kbytes
> Total clean volume                      :         5 Mbytes

> On Fri, 3 Oct 2003, Mike Carlson wrote:

>> Out of curiosity, what is the highest scoring anyone has seen SA give a
>> message? I had one come through at 37.54 the other day.

which tool you use for this result?

Viele Grüße, best regards,
Jim Knuth
Viele Probleme sind von Menschen gemacht, darum können sie auch von Menschen gelöst 
werden. [John F. Kennedy]

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