At 01:04 PM 10/19/2003, Masoud Pajoh wrote:
I was running SA 2.5 with kmail and all was well, then I upgraded to version
2.60.  Now, SA stopped pocessing incoming mail all togther.

How can I correct this.

Well, what exactly do you mean by "stopped processing incoming mail?" Do you mean that the messages are no longer being run through SA? Or do you mean that whenever kmail calls SA the message wedges forever? If it's not being processed at all it could very easily be a simple path issue.. check your paths very closely to make sure SA didn't do something like move from /usr/local/bin to /usr/bin during the upgrade.

Also are you using spamd/spamc? Did spamd successfully start? (you can check by running ps ax and looking for spamd in the process lists)

If it's not a path or spamd-not-running issue, I'd start off by running a quick lint on your config files, and maybe a debug-enabled run to get some ideas as to what might be going wrong.

First to check your config file syntax run this command:
        spamassassin --lint

If lint complains about anything.. fix the syntax errors.

After fixing things so lint no longer complains, try looking at the debug mode output, you might get some hints from that:
spamassassin -D --lint

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