We really do think very much alike!

> >> rawbody  RM_rb_TITLE     /<title>/i
> >> describe RM_rb_TITLE     Testing for HTML title in emails
> >> score    RM_rb_TITLE     0.001

I have the EXACT same rule for testing! Been using it for a while. I will
posts the stats next week with update. But the ratio is pretty good. 

> KCI> That and the other tag tests are better done with the 
> KCI> html_tag_exists() eval test (see HTML_TAG_EXISTS_BASE, for 
> KCI> example).  Your version doesn't match if there are attributes 
> KCI> (which happens quite often on BODY).
> Good. So I can replace these with (for instance)
> > body RM_b_TITLE eval:html_tag_exists('title')
> (Eventually these will become non-scoring __tests, of course.)

That is great news!

> Two of my three domains have been migrated from 2.55 to 2.60, and once
> the third is migrated I expect I'll go through the full 2.60 
> rule set to
> identify anything new in 2.60 which duplicates a personal rule in my
> user_prefs, to eliminate the duplication. I might would have found
> MIME_HTML_ONLY during that process, but I would probably have missed
> html_tag_exists().

I simply downloaded the source and read all the rule files. There is a LOT
of stuff to read (-: 
The whole Rule Emporium is going to go thru some HUGE changes. One thing in
particular is to remove out any overlapping rules as well. Show the heavy
hitter rules. Evilrules will be made even smaller. Ect....

So big changes coming down the pipe. I even looked at source code. I really
want to help and work on a ABL for URIs. Now, I need to just learn to write
perl code!

--Chris Santerre

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