At Wed Oct 29 14:15:51 2003, Bill Polhemus wrote:
> Are there other criteria, though?
> For example, I have set the threshold at which Auto-Learn is
> "triggered" for Spam at 7.99. Anything scoring over that is
> designated to be "auto-learned."
> Yet one came through this morning at 12.9, and it did NOT
> "auto-learn."

To avoid reinforcing its mistakes, auto-learning uses the non-Bayes
sets of scores to decide whether or not to auto-learn any given
message.  However, the scores in the headers are from the with-Bayes

> However, Bayesian probability was something like 0.997, so I thought "maybe
> at that level it figures it doesn't need to "auto-learn" this one. But when
> I "hand-feed" it through SA-Learn, it accepts it!

sa-learn will learn anything you feed to it (on the basis that you're
a human and know whether a message is ham or spam), while the
auto-learning is much more conservative to avoid learning
spammy-looking ham in error.

Martin Radford              |   "Only wimps use tape backup: _real_ 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | men just upload their important stuff  -o)
Registered Linux user #9257 |  on ftp and let the rest of the world  /\\
- see |       mirror it ;)"  - Linus Torvalds _\_V

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