I have been running some performance tests on spamc/spamd and I wanted to make sure my 
results were consistent with expected performance.  All tests were run on:
Dual 2.8 Ghz Xeon (4 logical CPUs) box w/2GB RAM
Redhat 8.0, Spam Assassin 2.60
I've been using the spamc/spamd combination.  I'm not using any of the rbl checks for 
my testing, e.g. razor.  When processing a 56937 byte mail message composed of HTML 
text, I'm able to process around 3.3 messages a second (or 186,985 bytes/second) at 
100% cpu utilization (all 4 logical cpus maxed out).  An 11k HTML message processes at 
11.7 messages per second (or 131,488 bytes/second) at 80% CPU utilization.  A 4K plain 
text message processes at 13.2 messages per second (60,003 bytes/second) at 70% CPU 
FYI: I have a modified spamc app that is multithreaded to hammer spamd.  Throughput 
varied by less than 3% if spamc/spamd were on the same box or a different boxes.
Does this performance appear reasonable?  Does anyone have metrics that they can 
share?  Additionally has anyone tried profiling spamd?  perl -T -d:DProf 
/usr/bin/spamd errors out.  Unfortunately I only have about 8 weeks worth of perl 
experience over the last 5 years, so I haven't been able to investigate the profiling 
Any thoughts on spamc/spamd performance are greatly appreciated. 
My local.cf file is: 
# SpamAssassin config file for version 2.5x
# generated by http://www.yrex.com/spam/spamconfig.php (version 1.01)
# How many hits before a message is considered spam.
required_hits           5.0
# Whether to change the subject of suspected spam
rewrite_subject         0
# Text to prepend to subject if rewrite_subject is used
subject_tag             *****SPAM*****
# Encapsulate spam in an attachment
report_safe             1
# Use terse version of the spam report
use_terse_report        0
# Enable the Bayes system
use_bayes               1
# Enable Bayes auto-learning
auto_learn              1
# Enable or disable network checks
skip_rbl_checks         1
use_razor2              0
use_dcc                 0
use_pyzor               0
# Mail using languages used in these country codes will not be marked
# as being possibly spam in a foreign language.
ok_languages            all
# Mail using locales used in these country codes will not be marked
# as being possibly spam in a foreign language.
ok_locales              all
Thanks in advance,

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