> First of all.. a HUGE thank you to everybody who has put all 
> the work in to
> the "Supplimental" rulesets that I have been adding to my 
> setup.. what a
> difference they have made!!!  The only drawback seems to be 
> that the rules
> seem to catch something 'spamish' in just about any email now.. so my
> threshold of 5.5 just doesn't seem practical..
> I'm wondering..
> What threshold most of you use out there?  I realize that it 
> probably isn't
> the same number for each of you, but certainly the 'default' 
> isn't enough
> anymore..

I have 2600+ custom rules as of this morning. More now that I'm testing some
beta rules. I still  use 5.0 as the threshold. Most of the rule writers that
I know of still shoot for the 5.0, so I would call ham > 5.0 an FP that we
need to fix :)  Do you have any negative rules? Unfortunetley we don't make
those public. You kind of have to make your own for those. 

IF you see any particular rule that is hitting spammy things in ham, let us
know. We can try to tweak it. Otherwise you could go to 5.5 ;)

--Chris Santerre

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