On Fri, 19 Dec 2003, Christopher X. Candreva wrote:

> A Spam got through SA last night, with two things I hadn't seen before - Yet
> another form of a %RANDOM variable that isn't replaced by a value:
> Subject: Re: %RND_UC_CHAR[2-8], he inadvertently turned

   That's a "ratware misfire".  The spammer is too stupid to use
his own software effectively.  I saw several hundred of those at
my PPOE this past week.

> And a bizare X-Originating-IP header:
> X-Originating-IP: [530000x.netIP]

   530000.net is the site he was trying to spamvertise.

> I whipped up a little rule to take care of the first, is there any
> possiblity the second is ligit ? Otherwise, I would say a rule that makes
> sure X-Originating-IP headers actually have an IP in them would be in order:
> header SUBJ_HAS_RND_TAG         Subject =~ /\%RND_UC_CHAR/
> describe SUBJ_HAS_RND_TAG       Subject contains Random tag
> score SUBJ_HAS_RND_TAG          2

   That'll account for the misfires, but not the "real" spams.  Not
that binning the misfires is a bad thing (they ought to be a *very*
good indicator of compromised third-party systems).

   What's the general consensus in the anti-spam community:  Should we
file a complaint with the ISP who hosts such compromised systems?  I'm
*not* interested in getting innocent bystanders crucified by over-
vigilant ISP staff, but I don't exactly think that we can stand by
and do nothing.  Thoughts on this, and conversation, are most welcome.

| Carl Richard Friend (UNIX Sysadmin)            | West Boylston       |
| Minicomputer Collector / Enthusiast            | Massachusetts, USA  |
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