On Mon, 2004-01-05 at 01:59, Dr Aldo Medina wrote: 
> El lun, 05-01-2004 a las 07:46, Chris Thielen escribió:
> > On Sun, 2004-01-04 at 07:15, Dr Aldo Medina wrote:
> > > El dom, 30-11-2003 a las 01:28, Chris Thielen escribió:
> > > > Dr Aldo Medina said:
> > > > > Using Debian Sarge with spamassassin-2.60-2 deb package and
> > > > > procmail-3.22-7.
> > > > >
> > > > > Even when it used to work, since a few weeks it seems like spamassassin
> > > > > doesn't follow my local.cf rules. For example, even when I have:
> > > > >
> > > > > whitelist_from  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > > or even
> > > > > whitelist_from  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > >
> > > > > my own email gets marked as spam. This is an example (I get this from
> > > I don't see any mention of whitelist. I attach my results from
> > > spamassassin -D < someemail.txt
> > 
> > First, where is your whitelist_from config line located?  In your
> > user_prefs? It looks as though you ran this test as root, so it is using
> > user_prefs from /root/.spamassassin.  Is this what you want?
> I put my whitelist_from in /etc/spamassassin/local.cf, as I was doing
> before. Is this a problem?

I don't believe that is a problem, no.  I simply wanted to make sure you
were not accidentally skipping your config by running as a different
user.  The /etc/spamassassin/local.cf is a sitewide config, so it should
be processed for all users.

> > Second, while looking over your previous posts I noticed that one of the
> > example messages you posted has two From: headers.  Don't know why this
> > would happen or if it might cause problems with SA and whitelist_from.  
> Maybe it was some problem with my posts?. I don't see two from: headers
> in my actual emails.

http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg24318.html

> > Third, at what point do your headers change languages?  I don't know
> > what effect changing a From: header to a De: might cause.  Anyone else
> > know?
> It seems like they change until evolution loads them. I can see them in
> english in the queue using "mail".

Well, then that shouldn't be a problem...

Now for the good news:
I've tracked your problem down to the sub find_all_addrs_in_line.  The
whitelist uses this sub to determine who the email is addressed from. 
The issue is that that sub does not consider [EMAIL PROTECTED] to be an address,
only [EMAIL PROTECTED](.ASDF)+.  The solution in your case is to either change
your linuxclient's hostname to linuxclient.something, or munge the From
address a bit before it hits spamassassin.

If you use procmail you can munge the address with a recipe such as this
(it should be two lines long, not three due to wrapping):

|sed -e 's/^\(From: .*

Finally, do you realize your host is in at least 4 dsbls?

For the curios, here is the find_all_addrs_in_line sub from
SpamAssassin.pm.  Notice it requires at least [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

sub find_all_addrs_in_line {
  my ($self, $line) = @_;

  my $ID_PATTERN   = '[-a-z0-9_\+\:\/\.]+';
  my $HOST_PATTERN = '[-a-z0-9_\+\:\/]+';

  my @addrs = ();
  my %seen = ();
  while ($line =~ s/(?:mailto:)?\s*
              ($ID_PATTERN \@
    my $addr = $1;
    $addr =~ s/^mailto://;
    next if (defined ($seen{$addr})); $seen{$addr} = 1;
    push (@addrs, $addr);

  return @addrs;

Chris Thielen

Easily generate SpamAssassin rules to catch obfuscated spam phrases:

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