On Tue, Jan 06, 2004 at 08:03:59AM +0100, John Wilcock 
carved this out of pure phosphors:
> On Sun, 4 Jan 2004 13:35:30 -0700, Anthony Martinez wrote:
> > In the spam that has deliberate bayes-busters (three lines of random words), the
> > X-Mailer header is totally bogus, like this
> > 
> > X-Mailer: cyan exiting space
> > 
> > header XMAILERBOGUS             X-Mailer =~ /^[^A-Z0-9]*$/
> > describe XMAILERBOGUS           X-Mailer header has NO uppercase letters, NO 
> > numbers... How do you expect me to believe that
> > score XMAILERBOGUS              0.5
> > 
> > I *think* this would work but I'm not going to implement it without running this
> > by the list - my regexp skills aren't top-notch.
> It seems to work fine - hits all those bayes-buster spams. However, it
> also hits messages with no X-Mailer header at all - which I suspect
> may lead to FPs. To exclude this, I've changed it to:

Heh. That's happened with both of my rules so far. Thanks for the help

> header local_XMAILER_BOGUS    X-Mailer =~ /^[a-z][^A-Z0-9]*$/
> which seems to work fine. 
> John.
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