--On Friday, January 09, 2004 2:24 PM -0600 "Michael H. Collins"

> Sorta off topic, mebby, but:
> As good as SA is working here I have users that are constantly reminding
> me that they get "absolutely no spam" on their yahoo, hotmail etc.
> accounts.  I don't like those two, but do have a coupe of other web mail
> accounts that get lots of spam.  Are they telling the truth?  or just
> what.  I know I am probably not the first to hear this so I am looking
> for input as to what to tell them.

Sure. They all have 'advanced' spam filters. These people probably aren't
checking their 'spam' folders - and possibly not realizing there is
legitimate e-mail that is being put there.

Or I could be wrong..


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