Robin Lynn Frank wrote:
> Some time ago, I changed the Habeas rule from -8 to a low positive
> number. Not high enough to generate FPs, but definitely not welcome
> mat for spammers.

Dangerous.  I've created a number of local rules with slight negative
scores for common sender domains here;  I made the scores negative to
specifically counteract the rather spammy email that many of our
customers' families send.  :/  Spammy newsletters have simply been
whitelisted globally.

If forged Habeas marks become a problem on the systems I admin, I'll
probably bring the score up to -1 or so- but NOT over 0.

I've seen the first of probably many of these come in to the support
account I answer here with a score of 6.7/8.  It would have been tagged
to any of our customer accounts.  However... the balancing positive
scores are from a collection of local rules for ~3 points or so, and
hitting on Razor2 for another 2.

> Maybe I am short-sighted, but my primary responsibility is keeping
> spam out of the company's inboxes.  Not 6 months in the future, but
> now.

For a corporate system I'd likely be much stricter than I can be as an
ISP sysadmin.  In that respect my hands are tied a little more than
yours;  I *MUST* be very permissive in what's considered ham vs spam. 

"Sendmail administration is not black magic.  There are legitimate
technical reasons why it requires the sacrificing of a live chicken."
   - Unknown

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