At 09:03 AM 1/16/04 -0500, Segree, Gareth wrote:
Text => Rule
---- ----
1) Received: from [] by with HTTP => Received =~ /with HTTP/i

That works..

2) Subject: ?ISO-8859-1? => Subject =~ /(ISO-8859|iso-8859)/ (score = 3.0)

Won't work.. that's a character encoding tag which will be decoded normally, use Subject:raw =~ instead.

NEVER use | to get character insensitive searches unless you explicitly do not want to match mixed-case versions.. just append i after the last slash. I can't see any reason to waste CPU time looking for ISO or iso, when really a single case-insensitive search for iso will work fine.

I'd also suggest including the ?'s, but you need to precede them with a \ to prevent them from being interpreted as part of the regex.

Improved rule:
        Subject:raw =~ /\?ISO-8859\?/i

3) X-Authentication-Warning: iwdwgt vbwss kiyixtg => exists:X-Authentication-Warning (score 2.75)

Valid, but I would NOT give this such a high score.. lots of nonspam mail has these warnings. ie: my monthly MCI bill has such a warning, some people who email me generate one too.

Are the above correct?


Will I bounce legit mail with it?

I'd really recommend running these rules in a "test phase" with scores no greater than 1.0.. after you've seen what they do and do not match on, you can bump the score up.

I also prescribe a dose of reading the rule-writing guide:

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