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On Saturday 17 January 2004 05:44, Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC) wrote:
> Hi all,
> My SPAM has reached an unprecedented level ie up to 50% SPAM and so I
> have decided to install and investigate SA. I have been a member of the
> mailing list for a little while and have read the presentations on the
> www.spamassassin.org site but I am still partially lost on how SA works.
> I know what it does with the baynesian filters etc but still I do not
> know how it works. I have also managed to find out that SA is a VERY
> advanced filter that can learn to detect SPAM.

While you are learning about spamassassin skip the baynesian stuff untill you 
get spamassassin working.
> My query is this: Can I use SA if I am using Mozilla as my MTA to send 
> and receive my POP email ie no sendmail, qmail, fetchmail, just Mozilla 
> and sorting it into my local folders on Mozilla?

Mozilla is not a Mail Transfer Agent.  Mozilla is a MUA(Mail User Agent).  
There is a way to get fetchmail to hand the email to Spamassassin I hear, but 
I do not know how that would be done.  It is best if Spamassassin is working 
with a MTA.
> If I can, what is my next step after installing SA from the SuSE 9.0 
> CD's to get it to run over the ~/.mozilla directory? Where can I find 
> docs on setup  as I have already checked 
> /usr/share/doc/packages/spamassassin and
> /perl-spamassassin/ and have not found a HOWTO document as yet?

Check http://spamassassin.org and http://wiki.spamassassin.org for more 
documents to read.
> If not, do I have to use an external engine to collect the mail, run it
> thru SA and pass it onto Mozilla? Can those mails marked as SPAM be put
> into a specific folder ie Junk on Mozilla?

yes, you would let the MTA process and tag the email then you could sort the 
email with mozilla.  Mozilla can sort on other things besides the subject 


> Ideas and help appreciated
> -- 
> The Little Helper
> ========================================================================
> Hylton Conacher - Licenced ex-Windows user (apart from Quicken)
> Registered Linux user # 229959 at http://counter.li.org
> Using SuSE 9.0 with KDE 3.1
> ========================================================================

Quicken can be run with crossover on your linux box.

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