John Fleming wrote:
> I would like to increase one of the built-in rule hit values.  Tnx - John

Do it in your .spamassassin/user_prefs file, or for site wide,
in your rules directory.  Look in rules/ for the rules, and
scores to copy/paste, and change.


> -------------------------------------------------------
> The SF.Net email is sponsored by EclipseCon 2004
> Premiere Conference on Open Tools Development and Integration
> See the breadth of Eclipse activity. February 3-5 in Anaheim, CA.

My thinking is a passion.  I am very good at rooting out truffles for
others; I myself take no pleasure in them.  I root out the problems with
my snout, but all I can do with them is toss them back over my head. -
(Soren Kierkegaard - Either/Or)

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Written by Jeroen van Vaarsel

The SF.Net email is sponsored by EclipseCon 2004
Premiere Conference on Open Tools Development and Integration
See the breadth of Eclipse activity. February 3-5 in Anaheim, CA.
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