On Mon, Jan 19, 2004 at 11:07:13AM -0600, Bob Apthorpe wrote:
> It's (usually) not difficult to build your own. This initial directory
> is for SuSE; Red Hat hides their build tree elsewhere, like
> /usr/src/redhat:

Yeah.   I put one up though, it ought to get out to the released area
in the next few hours. :)

Randomly Generated Tagline:
"As I uploaded the resultant kernel, a specter of the holy penguin
 appeared before me, and said "It is Good. It is Bugfree". As if wanting
 to re-assure me that yes, it really =was= the holy penguin, it finally
 added "Do you have any Herring?" before fading out in a puff of holy
 penguin-smoke." - Linus Torvalds

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