Title: Message
Was... Missing Spam Headers? Why?
Thanks for the advice. I've got the spamd log analyzers bookmarked.
However, upon further inspection, this is the reason why these mails are coming thru without being processed. I'm getting a lot of these log entries. The below is for just today 9am, here:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/log$ grep 'bad protocol' mail.log
Jan 20 03:01:37 jbox spamd[18250]: bad protocol: header error: (User header contains control chars)
Jan 20 05:32:19 jbox spamd[19401]: bad protocol: header error: (User header contains control chars)
Jan 20 06:27:01 jbox spamd[20021]: bad protocol: header error: (User header contains control chars)
Jan 20 06:58:21 jbox spamd[20628]: bad protocol: header error: (User header contains control chars)
Jan 20 08:11:34 jbox spamd[21548]: bad protocol: header error: (User header contains control chars)
It seems I'm getting maybe 10-20% of my mails coming thru, never being processed and given Spam headers because of this error?
I tried googling and searching my local store of messages and can't find any references to the above log line.
Thanks again for any info on how I can get these messages to be processed by SA!

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