On Tue, 2004-01-20 at 18:12, Evan Platt wrote:
> I've talked to a few people running Alt-N Mdaemon, and I'd like to run it
> at home... It appears it uses SpamAssassin (version 2.55 according to the
> headers). And while I like it that it's integrated, I'd rather have more
> control over it. Does anyone know if it's possible to configure the SA in
> Alt-N mdaemon? I guess I could always run the Win32 version, but if it's
> easier to modify the migrated version, and preferably upgrade it...
> Thanks.
> Oh, and yes, I know this is off topic. I am the same person that's annoyed
> by "Can I have spamassassin delete mail"? However ... Umm.. I'll shutup now.

While I don't know anything specific about Alt-N, I know I get some hits
to my site from their discussion board: 
http://lists.altn.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]@.ee8c9cf
Might have better luck finding experienced people there.

Chris Thielen

Easily generate SpamAssassin rules to catch obfuscated spam phrases
(0BFU$C/\TED SPA/\/\ P|-|RA$ES):

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