At 04:56 PM 1/21/2004, you wrote:

SA offers the possibility of having a "smarter" whitelist which
whitelists only if the sending relay is "related" to the sending email,

whitelist_from_rcvd [EMAIL PROTECTED]

is there a possibility to somehow do the opposite, ie

"blacklist [EMAIL PROTECTED] only if the relay is NOT related to the
"" domain

There's no keyword for it, but you could do this with a couple of custom rules.

For example:

header  __FROM_HOTMAIL  From =~ /
header __RCVD_HOTMAIL   Received =~/

as much of these big freemail adresses (yahoo, netscape, mail, etc) are
spoofed anyway.  For example, i see a lot of emails coming
everywhere, except from's servers

That's actually not surprising, nor entirely illegitimate.. It's quite reasonable, legitimate, and commonplace for a freemail subscriber to send via a server other than the freemail provider. For example, when I send email using my yahoo address, I usually send it via my primary ISP's MTA.

I do that mostly because relaying via the yahoo server causes ads to be appended to my email, whereas my ISP does not.

(and being a subscriber of that ISP I am an authorized user of their relay. No relay abuse or anything falsified has occurred here).

could this maybe be a supplemental test to include in an ulterior version of SA

Hmm. That may be dictionary correct, but I'd not use the word "ulterior" there... Ulterior is most commonly used in a manner which implies deception.

But perhaps it may be a test in a future version of sa.. however I suspect the S/O performance of the rule will not be sufficiently high for it to be kept (rules without a very good S/O ratio are dropped from SpamAssassin prior to the final GA runs). It will likely match too much non-spam mail to make the cut.

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