At 08:49 PM 1/22/04 -0600, Chris wrote:
I'm new to using spamassassin and have a question about auto white-listing.
I have a file, auto-whitelist.db in my /var/spool/spamassassin directory
however its empty.  The file was created 6 days ago when I installed
spamassassin.  Should something be in this file?

The awl database normally goes in your home directory and /var/spool/spamassassin doesn't even exist on most installs..

I'm not sure what the autowhitelist.db file in /var/spool/spamassassin is doing. Do you have a user who has that as a home directory or something, or have you over-ridden the user prefs directory?

  I've also
created a small manual file and placed it in my
/etc/mail/spamassassin dir with the rest of my .cf files.

Ok, although it's a contradiction in terms to call a manual whitelist "auto", there's nothing illegal about that.

SA doesn't give
me any complaints about this but I see no where that its being checked, for
instance I have the following line:


whitelist_from is not spelled with capital letters. I'm not sure if SA will honor it in caps like that.

Might I suggest using the spamassassin --lint command to check for syntax errors.

I have my spam threashold set to 8.0, and the latest mail from this address
was given a 7.4.  I'd think that since I have it in a manual whitelist that
it would automatically be given a clean bill of health.

The manual whitelist should give a -100 score adjustment, by matching the rule named USER_IN_WHITELIST.

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