In every domain I manage, we receive spam directed to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I can't imagine I'm the only one.

Apparently some address harvester somewhere along the way harvested and
then mangled [EMAIL PROTECTED], dropping the leading "we" and
replacing the "ter" with "tgr".

I created this rule today, which hits 1.2% of all spam in my corpus (950
of 79,437), and no ham (of 17,831).

It depends on some email system somewhere along the Received chain
indicating that this is the addressee.  I used this rather than ToCc, to
capture emails where the destination is hidden in a bcc list.

I'm scoring this equal to my Requred Hits parameter.

header    RM_bmastgr       Received =~ /for bmastgr\@/
describe  RM_bmastgr       Directed to invalid address often used by spammers
score     RM_bmastgr       9.000  # 950s/0h of 97268 corpus (79437s/17831h) 01/29/04

Even better, since it will catch use of this address in a TO, CC, and/or
From header, might be:

header    __RM_bmastgr1    Received    =~ /for bmastgr\@/
header    __RM_bmastgr2    ToCc        =~ /\bbmastgr\@/
header    __RM_bmastgr3    From        =~ /\bbmastgr\@/
header    __RM_bmastgr4    Envelope-to =~ /\bbmastgr\@/
header    __RM_bmastgr5    Subject     =~ /\bbmastgr\b/
meta      RM_bmastgr       ( __RM_bmastgr1 || __RM_bmastgr2 || _RM_bmastgr3 | 
RM_bmastgr4 | _RM_bmastgr5 )
describe  RM_bmastgr       Directed to/from invalid address often used by spammers
score     RM_bmastgr       9.000  #

I don't yet have stats for this meta rule (I haven't even linted it yet).

Does anyone see any problems with this concept or these specific rules?

Does anyone have similarly known to be invalid and globally applicable
addresses we might test for within this rule?

Bob Menschel


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