[THIS LIST HAS MOVED!  see http://useast.spamassassin.org/lists.html .]On Tuesday 27 
January 2004 09:11 am, Dennis Davis wrote:
> >From: Matthew Trent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: [SAtalk] Re: Meta-tripwire idea
> >Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2004 08:06:41 -0800
> ...
> >That would also help with the problem of the report exceeding
> >Exim's header size limit when a ton of TW or BH rules hit.
> I suspect this is the problem, reported on the exim-users mailing
> list, where the logs show:
> string_sprintf expansion was longer 8192 characters
> exim uses fixed length buffers.  So it was suggest on the
> list that the problem could easily be cured by editing the
> source of exim.  Edit exim/src/config.h.defaults and change the
> #define STRING_SPRINTF_BUFFER_SIZE (8192 * 2)
> or some other suitable increase in size.

Yes, but that seems like a workaround to me. Should SA really be outputting 
that long of a report? I could understand a long report if each rule was 
unique, but it seems like Too Much Information(tm) for such similar/related 
rules to each have output in the report.
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