Bugs item #854547, was opened at 2003-12-05 19:21
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by anadelonbrin
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Category: Outlook
Group: Source code - CVS
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Seth Goodman (sethg)
Assigned to: Mark Hammond (mhammond)
Summary: Incorrect "No filterable mail items are selected" error

Initial Comment:
This message doesn't filter as part of a training set.  I 
then put this single message into a folder and tried to 
train on it.  I got a text box saying, "No filterable mail 
items are selected" and the log file had only the 
entry, "ERROR: 'No filterable mail items are selected'
".  I exported the message in Outlook 2000 format and 
attached it here.

The message has two zip file attachments, which 
comprise the bulk of its size.


>Comment By: Tony Meyer (anadelonbrin)
Date: 2005-09-09 12:49

Logged In: YES 

Noting dupe (including example message) in:

[ 1284021 ] No filterable mail items selected.


Comment By: Tony Meyer (anadelonbrin)
Date: 2004-11-03 16:21

Logged In: YES 

Noting dupe in:

[ 955934 ] e-mail is not filterable


Comment By: Tony Meyer (anadelonbrin)
Date: 2004-04-01 16:42

Logged In: YES 

Noting dupe in [ 925428 ] No Filterable mail items are selected



Comment By: Seth Goodman (sethg)
Date: 2003-12-19 17:43

Logged In: YES 

None that I know of, unfortunately.  This was an oddball, but 
since it happened with no other (apparent) external cause 
and was repeatable, I submitted the bug report.  AFAIK, this 
message was received the same as all my others: through 
POP3 (simple auth) queried every five minutes.  Though this is 
probably not terribly relevant, my setup is:

Win2K SP4
Outlook2K SP3
Kaspersky AV 4.5
BlackICE Defender 3.6cbz
BOClean 4.11
AdAware Plus 6.181
Cisco 827 Router/DSL Modem
1.5Mbps DSL connection

>From what I can tell, Kaspersky AV grabs port 110 traffic 
directly from the TCP socket and proxies it back to the 
application level (somehow with the same port number).  
Since there was no virus associated with this message, I 
don't think that's relevant either.


Comment By: Mark Hammond (mhammond)
Date: 2003-12-19 16:33

Logged In: YES 

Thanks for the props Tony.  I can't see a good way around
this though, unless we drop the restriction completely,
which I think would be bad.  Seth - how many other messages
have you seen this happen with?


Comment By: Tony Meyer (anadelonbrin)
Date: 2003-12-09 14:41

Logged In: YES 

It's clueless, but I forgive you &lt;wink&gt;.  MAPI isn't how 
Outlook gets the messages (I suspect you're thinking of 
IMAP), but a way to communicate with Outlook.  The props 
attachment is basically the information that Outlook stores 
about that message.  The problem is determining whether a 
message was received, or created by the user (in which case 
it's not filterable).  The current theory is that it needs 
to have one of two properties, and your message has 
neither.  Mark may need a new theory ;)

The &quot;Tony Meyer&quot; stuff coems about because Outlook must 
have modified it a bit when I dragged it into the inbox (I 
suppose I did place it on an exchange server).  Not enough 
to change the non-filterable status, but enough to 
contaminate it a bit.  And yes, I'm at Massey University in 
NZ - the Auckland campus, though, not the Palmerston North 
(or Wellington) ones.


Comment By: Seth Goodman (sethg)
Date: 2003-12-09 14:31

Logged In: YES 

I don't know the source code, so forgive the following 
comment if it's clueless.  This message was downloaded via 
POP3, as neither of my ISP's supports MAPI.  Since Outlook 
deals with POP3 and MAPI, I have no idea if it internally 
changes all messages as MAPI with the POP3 ones having 
limited properties as they don't exist as copies in remote 

BTW, what's all the Tony Meyer stuff in the headers of the 
Seal_Props.txt file?  Are you at the University of Massey 
in NZ?  Friends of mine lived there a few years ago, liked 
it a lot.


Comment By: Tony Meyer (anadelonbrin)
Date: 2003-12-09 14:10

Logged In: YES 

It fails the &quot;was received test&quot; (i.e. there doesn't appear 
PR_RECEIVED_BY_ENTRYID).  I've attached a dump_props, but 
this reaches the limit of my MAPI understanding ;)


Comment By: Tim Peters (tim_one)
Date: 2003-12-07 09:23

Logged In: YES 

I downloaded the msg and dragged it from Explorer into an 
Outlook folder.  I can confirm that the Outlook addin doesn't 
believe it's filterable, but don't know why not.  The only new 
entry in the log file is

ERROR: 'No filterable mail items are selected'

after I select it and try to do the &quot;show spam clues&quot; bit.


Comment By: Seth Goodman (sethg)
Date: 2003-12-06 10:39

Logged In: YES 

It was a regular email message sent to me by a regular 
correspondent.  After deleting the two zip files attached, it 
still won't filter, so I have attached the bare message for you 
exported in Outlook 2000 .msg format, whatever that is.  
Though Outlook shows the message as 3K in size, the 
exported .msg file is 15.5K.  Hopefully, you can import it and 
end up with the same message that I have inside Outlook.


Comment By: Mark Hammond (mhammond)
Date: 2003-12-05 21:13

Logged In: YES 

Is the message a non-delivery report of any kind?  Or was it
originally created by you?  If so, it is &quot;by design&quot;. 
Otherwise, you will probably find it still fails without the
.zip attachments - try deleting them, trying again, and if
it still fails, attach the smaller message. If all else
fails, mailing to me is fine.


Comment By: Seth Goodman (sethg)
Date: 2003-12-05 19:29

Logged In: YES 

Apparently I can't attach the file, as it is larger than the SF 
limit.  I will email anyone the file who asks for it.


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