I couldn’t find any other workable email address, though I think I checked all 
your pages.  Your “Send Help Message” page does not provide an email address.  
Please forward if this is not the correct email address.

“I am using SpamBayes Proxy Version 1.1b2 (March 6, 2010) (binary), with 
version 2.5.2 (release25-maint, Feb 23 2008, 14:19:11) [MSC v.1310 32 bit 
(Intel)] of Python; my operating system is Windows 6.1.7601.2 (Service Pack 1). 
 I have trained 0 ham and 0 spam.”

I don’t know if the above is an example or is actually my information.  My 
operating system is Windows 7 Home Premium and my email program is Windows Live 

This is my server information, none of which as far as I can see matches the 
instructions on configuring.  But maybe I’m just dumb (certainly true on 

Server information:
Incoming mail server is POP3 server.
Incoming mail (POP3):  inbound.att.net
Outgoing mail (SMTP):  outbound.att.net

Port number:
Incoming mail (POP3):  995


On the Configuration Page 
for Remote Servers, I have used “pop3.inbound.att.net:995”, “inbound.att.net”, 
“localhost”, possibly others.
for SpamBayes Ports, I have used 995, 110, 8110, 8880

On any of these combinations, when I click on Save, this is what I see on 

The website cannot display the page      HTTP 500 


When I click on Review Messages from the icon, below is what I see on 

No POP3 proxies running.

There are no untrained messages to display.  [And I have been receiving 


I have read the FAQs, the help page, and the readme page, but cannot comprehend 
them, I suppose.

What do I do next?

A. J.

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