I am not sure to which page you are referring, but this FAQ page - SpamBayes on Windows <http://spambayes.sourceforge.net/windows.html> - does point out that the plugin does not work with Outlook Express. As you have implied, the configuration may seem daunting at first, but it is not exceedingly so. As a proxy, SpamBayes is an intermediary between your email client and your mail provider's servers. If you look at your server settings in Outlook Express, those values get moved to the proxy. Outlook Express is changed to point to SpamBayes, usually localhost or and port 8110. The workaround for Outlook Express mentioned previously is required.

As you mentioned, if your spam situation has improved, then SpamBayes may not be needed. However, for many, when 80% or more of received email is spam, the program is essential.

I hope this helps explain things.


On 03/24/2015 4:25 PM, Paul Stone wrote:
 Mr. Schroeder;
If the plugin is for Outlook alone, why does the download page recommend the version for Windows XP and Outlook Express? Due to all the technicalities on the installation page, for those of us who don't know much about these things it seems better to leave well enough alone and not install it especially since the common spam expected wasn't received today. -Terry Stone paultst...@earthlink.net

    ----- Original Message -----
    *From:* Dale Schroeder <mailto:d...@briannassaladdressing.com>
    *To:* Paul Stone <mailto:paultst...@earthlink.net> ;
    spambayes@python.org <mailto:spambayes@python.org>
    *Sent:* Tuesday, March 24, 2015 10:56 AM
    *Subject:* Re: [Spambayes] Outlook Express and Windows XP


    The plugin is for Outlook alone.  For Outlook Express, the setup
    is the same as other mail clients, such as Mozilla Thunderbird or
    Pegasus Mail.  In this scenario, SpamBayes is configured and
    trained through a web page, usually http://localhost:8880. The
    SpamBayes proxy is configured with your email server settings, and
    Outlook Express is configured to contact the SpamBayes proxy.  You
    will find more details here:

    With Outlook Express, the 2nd paragraph of the FAQ above is essential.

    Hope this helps,

    On 03/24/2015 8:55 AM, Paul Stone wrote:
      Dear Sirs;
           I downloaded Spambayes yesterday Version 1a6 (I think)
    because a site recommended it for Windows XP  and
    Outlook Express. So far, I see no way to access Spambayes to
    start training it and the training instructions apply to Outlook
    only and I see no way to apply them to Outlook Express. No icon
    is on the Home Page. Where do I go from there? - Terry Stone
    paultst...@earthlink.net <mailto:paultst...@earthlink.net>

    Check the FAQ before asking:http://spambayes.sf.net/faq.html

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